Monday, August 21, 2017

It's All Up To You!!!

It's all about how bad you want the quit! It's all up to you. Own it, don't look back! Focus on your new life and all the new pathways you'll be able to take that'll lead you to a healthier and personally happier overall forecast to life! 

It's not easy. It has ups and downs, and old emotions and people connected to your old smoking world can sometimes haunt you. The cool thing about it is facing that adversity and saying NOPE!!!!! This time it's different, this time I'm fucking done with all the bullshit. This time I don't connect with you or that stinky addiction. This time I'm done letting myself down and just sinking back into the old patterns and habits that lead me back to the addiction hole.

Sorry haha, I got on a rant there. I'm just passionate about the quit. I was a serial quitter for 10 years and smoked for 20 years! 10 years of my life, in and out trying to quit almost every day. Over and over. From Seattle to Brooklyn and back. It is as crazy as it sounds and more.

Time to move on. Time to empower yourself and be the black sheep and show yourself you can do it. It's empowering also when someone else notices your journey and sees how positive and productive your choice has changed your life. Lead by example and stick around those who encourage your lifestyle!!!!!!
