Saturday, September 7, 2013

What are my inner resources that I can use to overcome a crave?...

This is a huge question for me, and my friend who asked me to think on this...knows where I'm at and where I need to be taking inventory, and find coping strategies to keep from relapsing. It hit me like a stack of bricks and I'm not quite sure I know... 

In all reality the only thing you need to do to overcome a crave is...YOU DON'T SMOKE!

As they say KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid!) 

When the urge to smoke hits me...I can feel the withdrawal come in, my heart beats faster, I feel dizzy. What gets me out is if I think about the reality and visualize my course for the next few days if I were to smoke. 

Usually it sounds like "If I decide to relapse I will probably head straight home, binge smoke, probably drink, feel sorry for myself, feel alone, feel no way out and feel the guilt and shame of relapsing...then start plotting for when I'll get up the nerve again to quit. Adam, you don't want to have to go through that torture just to end up where you are right now!"

When I solidify that thought, then I will reach outward for help and support in the moment with whatever may have triggered the crave. Whether it was an old memory or thought, or maybe it was seeing someone I used to smoke with, I have to ride the crave, deep breathe and use positive thoughts and support from friends to make it through.

Inner Resources = Thoughts

Every time I crave or hit a trigger I have to recondition and change the message to a positive are some thoughts that have helped me in the past...

*Being smoke free is the start of a new life with infinite choices! On
to a happier and healthier lifestyle!
*If I relapse now I'll have to start all over, feel shame
and who knows when I'll quit again...
*I realize I'm an Addict
*I know any thought to smoke is an excuse and junky lie
*I can never have just one knowing it's all or none
*If I smoke I am back at square one and back to all
the negative baggage smoking offers
*Smoking truly offers nothing and solves nothing 
but relief from the withdrawals it caused in the 1st place
*No Doubt No Moping About...knowing this is a decision 
I truly am committed too 100%!

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