Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Nicotine is NOT God! ~Repost from ME~

My friend Cara reminded me of this post I wrote. I have gotten so far off track lately, but this has helped me a lot. It's all true. I've spent so much of my time thinking about smoking, as if it's some kind of deity.  It's like I worship the butts. It's been a horrible relationship. One that's always made me feel less and feel like a slave. It's like Stockholm Syndrome. You are controlled by the nictator and over time are brainwashed into liking and having empathy for the one thing that has you caged and shackled. Free yourselves from this slavery!

Nicotine is NOT God
From AdamzfinalQ on 5/12/2014 3:30:36 PM
I can already notice who the smokers are at work. I mean I used to stand side by side with you rain, snow or shine. I even work with some people that say they aren't smokers and then I smell it on them....they are lying to themselves. It's funny to see how embarrassing smoking is to some people, because it's true. It's true how dumb you feel for letting something so insignificant control your every thought and every mood. I have done it for 18 years, and obsessively the last 9 or so. We know we are smarter...

I quit 13 days ago and the clouds are already somewhat parting on how ridiculous and wrapped up I have been with something that means nothing. Something that I was exalting up like some god and worshiping day in and day out in fear. I was a slave to that so called god in my head and knew it was wrong and that something needed to change...that life could be better. That's why I quit.

I'm only at day 13 and it's crazy to see how desperate people are to go out and get there fix. They stay in a bad mood and mad at everything until they can get out and get there 5 minutes of nicotine....AND THEN THE WHOLE DANG WITHDRAWAL CHAIN STARTS AGAIN! You can never stay in the NOW because you are focused on a 5 minute period ahead of you. It keeps you from enjoying life and being present with what is in front of you. I think that's what I hate most about this addiction. Never being able to enjoy life because this built up slave god has my full attention and nothing else matters until I re-instill my blind faith with a puff of that poisonous smoke.

This slavery goes on and on until we finally say NO to smoking and more importantly YES to freedom! We have to realize that we are the ones in control, and that there is no slave god in control of us. It is a powerless leafy poison that brainwashes us into believing we can't live without it. It is addiction, and we are hooked, that reality will never change. Doesn't matter how long it's been, our addiction is either alive or dormant, and I choose to let the beast sleep and to not wake day at a time!



  1. Replies
    1. OK so you pulled everything. That means you decided to smoke again. So rather than posting a bunch of meaningless promises, or upping your "commitment" to 135%, how about speaking frankly about why you failed and what PLAN you are putting into place so that it doesn't happen again? You don't plan anything Adam. Your life is going to go exactly nowhere without a plan that you STICK TO.

      Can't you see that your endless promises have no real power? A plan, on the other hand, is something that you can keep coming back to, measure yourself against, adjust if necessary, and soldier on.

      Time to get serious and stop dicking around.

      Nut up or shut up.
