Sunday, May 25, 2014


I am a serial quitter on my final quit. I am forever a nicotine addict. Every day I wake I have to take a moment and remind myself of the reality of my addiction to nicotine and the road it takes me down if I take even one single puff. It has driven me crazy and made me do some embarrassing things in the past, just to get my fix. 

I got this post from a quit buddy. This repost is from a man who freed himself from the clutches of this addiction, until the day he died from COPD. I never knew him, but I did see him around the Quitnet forum and he is an inspirational and supportive man! Cheers and RIP




Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. One of the hardest things we have to do in life, to improve ourselves personally, is to change. But change we must because if we don`t like the results we are getting, and we don`t change what we are doing, we will keep getting the same undesired results.

Now I don`t like the term `Serial Quitter.` I prefer to think of my Q friends who keep relapsing, and keep resetting their Quit Date and Gadget Stats as `Serial Restarters.` These are the QSters who start over again and again and again and keep thinking, `This time I`m going to make it.` Understand, if someone is on the Q trying, I give them all the credit in the world for sticking it out. However, If a QSter keeps trying and keeps getting negative results, they have to take a serious look at what they`re doing. They have to figure out what`s not working; because if what they`re doing isn`t working they become like a car stuck in the mud with its tires spinning. They `re just not going anywhere and they will get frustrated and they will beat themselves up and think, `What`s wrong with me?`

So, do you think this post is addressed to you?. Then you need to step back, take a look at what you`re doing wrong and make a change. I know everyone has it in them to win this never-ending battle. But constantly thinking, `I`m only going to have JUST 1` or `Okay, tomorrow will be different isn't the way to go. You need to devise a Plan B that incorporates a `One Day At A Time` and `Not One Puff Ever` approach.

I know you can do it. I know you can quit smoking. You just have to `STOP THE INSANITY` and I`ll.....

See You At The Top

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