Wednesday, December 16, 2015

D57...Dad's 60th

Today I picked up an extra shift at work, which turned out to be a good thing. Made some ok money and sold $250 in Holiday gift cards. that's more than I had previously sold and puts me back on the positive radar. was Dad's 60th today. Just did a simple dinner with Dad, Brothers and nephew Seth. It was good to be with the boys. When we went to eat dinner I for some reason felt compelled to do a prayer. I've been praying on my own when I wake, sleep and eat food, but haven't done it out loud since I was in high school maybe. I didn't do it for religious reasons, just felt it would be right to bring the family together and to feel a connection with life around us and to be thankful for the things that we have. 

With this process of quitting smoking and drinking, my life has obviously changed into the life I have wanted for a long time. A life where I am me, and seek the things that have meaning to me. It feels good to be a part of my life again and to feel the benefits of giving a shit and working towards the present and the future. 

Things ended with Carla. It was really tough even just after a week of dating, but it was putting me in a negative place where I didn't want to be. I had a great time being around her, she's a sweet heart, but it was a little all over the place and I couldn't tell when something I had done, would turn into me doing something wrong. I never once meant harm or wanted to hurt her. I think most the issues were from her past. No one is perfect, but in this case I still have to look after myself and I hope she understands that, and that there is no resentment or harsh feelings. 

I'm thankful I'm making it through this moment smoke and drink free. I'm happy and thankful to have been able to see my family today and have some good conversation about what is happening in life. 

On to the next day. I plan a workout at the gym and then work. I also need to think about something I can do for everyone as Christmas presents. 

Always Thankful

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