Sunday, May 4, 2014

Emotional Coping Tools (RP)

Here are a few strategies I have found helpful when the emotional flood comes rushing in and it is fight or flight time. It's that moment where you used to go straight to the smoke to try and ease the pain, when in all reality I was only easing the withdrawal brought on by stress and the problem never goes away but starts again. Anyways, my most helpful ally has been my mind, and giving it the time throughout the day to take breaks and remember the reality of where I am at in life, what I am accomplishing, why I quit smoking what happens when I take one puff and what I can do to stay smoke free and make it through the moment on top!



Emotional Coping Tools I Have Found

From BilliB on 5/25/2003 11:56:08 PM

In an earlier post this evening the subject was brought up about the emotional connection and smoking. I have really watched this part unfold in my quit.

Since the early days of my quit, when I was in detox after 40 + years of smoking....... I am lucky to be so healthy as I am. In the beginning of my quit everything was CRS. Nothing made any sense and the cravings went up and down and I just had to fight my way through that part.

As the days, weeks, months went along I really watched my craving patterns. Each time I would really want to smoke, I found that I was being challenged by something in my life. I wanted that crutch, that little bit of reassurance that a smoke would give me. Never did I come close to lighting up, but the urge/thinking was pretty strong sometime.

Here are a few techniques I have learned and use to *follow the string of my emotions*

When upset, do deep breathing to get yourself back in balance. Focus on slowing down your breathing. When we are upset, we are moving fast with our emotions and need to slow down. We can't sort things out when our emotions are flying around uncontrolled.

Think about what is REALLY upsetting you. (not just that you had a fight with someone.......) What are you feeling ? the feeling that is deeper then the anger. Stop and figure out what is really happening on a gut level. Don't be a quick to blame everything on the other person.......

Stop all the negative talk in your head. Not easy, but that is the goal. Learn to think kinder thoughts about yourself. You are a good person and you would not be friends with someone who treated you as awful as you treat yourself.

Work with positive affirmations. What you think about, what you believe is what you bring into your life. Get excited about your quit, be sure to always honor how wonderful your life is without nicotine as the center of everything you do.

I hope these ideas give some thoughts to ponder during your quit. Life is full of new twists and turns all the time. As nicotine addicts we tend to reach for our *comfort stick* if even in our minds.

Smoking is no longer an option in my life. I smoked well over my quota and one day at a time, I make the choice not to smoke again.


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