Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Portrait of Successful Quitters (RP)

Here is a great and positive outline on what to do and feel when successfully quitting. Staying positive and true to your quit is key and this couldn't be more well written!



A Portrait of Successful Quitters by Fred Kelley
Success leaves clues. These clues are a road map you can follow to improve your chances of becoming a successful quitter. Smokers who quit successfully have common characteristics, and take common steps along the road to becoming an ex-smoker.

You can follow those steps. You can duplicate them. There is no copyright or patent on the steps necessary to quit smoking. 

The formula for successfully quitting smoking is not a closely guarded trade secret like the formula for Coke or the recipe for Kentucky Fried Chicken. All who wish to copy the success of other quitters may do so, freely.

Here, then, is a portrait of successful quitters.

Successful quitters are motivated. They have reached a point in their lives where they have become disgusted or concerned about the effects smoking has on their lives and/or the lives of people around them.

Successful quitters are honest with themselves. Smokers tell themselves many lies to help justify smoking. Quitters acknowledge the dangers of smoking.

Successful quitters stop making excuses. There never will be a perfect time or situation or alignment of the stars to quit smoking.

Successful quitters accept responsibility for their habit. They acknowledge that they made the decision to start smoking, and that no one else can quit for them. They quit blaming their parents or the tobacco companies or anyone else.

Successful quitters admit they have a weakness and an addiction. They also understand there is no shame in the addiction.

Successful quitters admit they may need help and are willing to seek outside support.

Successful quitters plan their quit. They write down goals, dates, obstacles, etc.

Successful quitters set a quit date.

Successful quitters develop a belief in themselves and their own ability to overcome smoking. Without self-belief, smokers rarely quit. Successful quitters seek ways to improve the belief that they can quit.

Successful quitters usually make several attempts to quit before finally quitting permanently. Persistence and determination are critical to quitting.

Successful quitters become very attuned to what triggers their smoking; then they eliminate as may triggers as possible. For example, many smokers like to light up when they go to a bar. By avoiding the bar scene, quitters eliminate this trigger.

Successful quitters find a quit buddy to support them. Family members or friends can often quit smoking together, and support each other in the process. 

Resources on the Internet are also available to help smokers find support buddies.

Successful quitters remove barriers to quitting. Simple steps such as disposing of all cigarettes, lighters and ashtrays remove the temptation to smoke.

Successful quitters are willing to make tough choices. For example, quitters may have to distance themselves from friends or family who smoke.

Successful quitters are willing to experience the discomfort of quitting. Withdrawal symptoms keep many smokers from quitting. Successful quitters tolerate the symptoms and learn how to deal with them so they can quit. They understand that most things in life worth fighting for require some effort and discomfort.

Successful quitters see themselves as non-smokers. They have a specific goal or vision in mind.

Successful quitters begin exercise programs. Exercise relieves stress, counteracts weight gain that many quitters experience, heightens feelings of well-being, and makes quitting easier.

Successful quitters are willing to try nicotine patches and gum, Zyban and other smoking cessation aids. These products don't help everyone, but they do have a proven track record.

Successful quitters meditate. Meditation helps reduce stress and clear the mind.

Successful quitters often seek a higher power to help them as they struggle against their addiction and cravings. Spiritual support makes most anything easier to accomplish.

Successful quitters alter their diet. Fruits, vegetables and more water can serve as substitutes for cigarettes, while helping the body heal.

Successful quitters help others quit. They feel a sense of duty to share what they have learned, so others can become smoke-free.

Successful quitters reward themselves for staying smoke-free. They make a list of rewards, both large and small, that they give themselves the longer they remain off cigarettes.

Successful quitters remain on guard for months or even years after they quit, knowing that all it takes is one puff to start smoking again.

By following in the footsteps of successful quitters, you can dramatically improve your chances of quitting smoking. Begin working today to adopt these success traits so you, too, can be a portrait of a successful quitter.

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