Tuesday, May 6, 2014

How to Stop a Pity Party (RP)

My biggest downfall as a serial quitter was the pity party. In my shame spiral of relapse, most quits not last more than 1-3 days, I would find the smallest of things or problems to dwell on, get angry and irritated about, in order to have a final excuse to light back up and hide from destiny. Here are some truths and coping methods to make it through and rise above the negative junky voice that tries to foil you into believing the lies of addiction.


it can be fairly easy to drop down into a pity party when the craves are strong and long-lasting....i understand. I've been there. But to succeed in your quit, you've got to snap out of it before you talk yourself into a slip!

1. try a little humility. yes, it's difficult, but your addiction is not fiercer than anyone else's, your cravings are no more demanding, your struggle is no more epic. so you don't need to feel quite so sorry for yourself :-)

2. you CAN quit and keep your quit. positive self-talk is a must--say to yourself, "I can do this", not "OMG this is too hard, i can't"...every elder and long-time quitter here has wisdom to share with you; the keys to success are not secret. You just have to use them consistently.

3. try to see your moments of struggle as opportunities. As Booker T. Washington said, "If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else."bake cookies for your neighbor, or send someone a thank-you card, or volunteer at a shelter, anything that takes your focus off yourself (and your cravings) and shifts that focus to the well-being of others.

now you get out there and kick nicodemon's butt today!


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