Friday, May 2, 2014

~Ride The Craves~


Cravings... are a sign that your quit is working. They are a symptom that your body and mind are trying to find equilibrium again. Never be alarmed or discouraged because you get hit by cravings all of a sudden; that is what is supposed to happen as you `detox` and start shedding the addiction. It is clear evidence of progress, whether it be day 1 or day 157.

I frequently see posts desperately looking for advice for something to get rid of these withdrawals... drink huge amounts of water... take extra vitamins... try homeopathic remedies... but the truth is that IF you shift your mind, then you do not need anything. Stop thinking of withdrawals as a desperate need to smoke, and instead start to see them as cleansing moments that, while uncomfortable, are very effective at healing. Shift your focus, and your attitude, and the way you interpret things. After all, that`s what is going on... your body is simply convulsing against the poison you have forced upon it. Withdrawals and cravings do not have to be a sign of trouble, because they are really a sign of progress. See them that way and you will endure them with far greater ease than if you try fight them, or fret over them.


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