Thursday, November 5, 2015

Day #16...Life as an Arrow

I do feel like this is happening to me. I'm still just moving forward because I've made up my mind with quitting smoking....but life sure as hell is testing my patience. I am experiencing difficult times right now which seems to prolong things and pull me backwards. Quitting smoking I know is the beginning of a new method to propel me forward and into the next chapter of my life. I'm tired of wasting time on smoking and all the thoughts that are just a waste of time because they are there just to sabotage you. I'm putting my mind on other positive things as much as possible.

I've been waking up pissed and slower than I used to, but Ryan messaged me and I got out of bed and ran some stairs with him. It was a brutal 20 minute workout. Usually I run or do something that takes up more time, but stairs will kick your ass right quit, and it helps you with developing quick bursts of energy!

Heading out fishing tomorrow with Sean for work. I hope it'll be a great experience. I know that my buddy Paul thinks I'm giving too many people info about the fishing hole, but the water will never be this low at the Cle Elum again, so it really doesn't matter. 

Anyways, off to slumber land. 


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