Friday, November 20, 2015

D32...grumpy day

I don't know why today, but I was grumpy for most of it. I still felt in a good mood, but every time something happened I got pissed off real easy and was a bit of an asshole. They can't all be perfect days, but I tried to flip to the positive side as much as I could. 

I seemed to be feeling sorry for myself. I think I have too many things I want to be accomplishing, but not far enough along. Music, love, health, money. I seem to be out of the limbo of smoking relapse, but in the limbo of getting these things in order. Smoking and drinking would do not a damn thing for me, but keep me in the old rut that I am getting out of. 

All I can say is ONE DAY AT A TIME!

That's all I have. One moment, one day at a time. You can't conquer the world over night, and I am finally active in my life so I know i will get to be where I want to be if I just keep my determination and patience, and keep forging the future I know I can accomplish and be a part of. 

In bet a bit early for me, but I had a good workout and made some decent money at work. All in all it was a successful day. 

I am thankful to be going to bed smoke free and waking up without the cloud of addiction depressing me and making me wish for a way out. I am out and on my way! 

Smoking is no longer an option for me in any situation. It does not a damn thing for us but create and cause unnecessary problems. 

sleep well and KTFQ!


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